Evaluation of relationship between solvent retention capacity tests, secondary structures of proteins and amino acid content of triticale flour (ІІІ)

Document Type : Research Article


1 Master student, Department of Food Science, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology.

2 Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology

3 Professor, Department of Food Science, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology.

4 Dept of Agron Plant Breed, Isfahan Univ Techn, Isfahan-84156, Iran


Solvent retention capacity (SRC) as a valuable tool for measuring functional properties of each polymeric component of flour was introduced and developed by Louise Slade in the late 1980s. The SRC values were significantly correlate with flour chemical components, farinograph parameters and breadmaking parameters. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the relationships between SRC profiles and flour secondary structures and amino acids content of 12 cultivars of hexaploid triticale and comparing them with bread wheat, durum wheat and rye as close cultivars. In this study, four main solvents (deionized water, 5% lactic acid solution, 5% sodium carbonate solution and 50% sucrose solution) and four supplemental solvents (55% ethanol solution, 0.75% sodium dodecyl sulfate solution, 0.006.0% sodium metabisulfite solution , as well as combination of SDS and MBS solutions of the SRC test were used. According to the results, triticale cultivars with superior grain quality produced flours with much superior physical and chemical properties than other triticale cultivars. Flour dough of those cultivars had better rheological properties than other cultivars, and had much better alveograph quality parameters. Such flours had more disulfide bonds (SS) and lower sulfhydryl groups (SH) than other cultivars. Such flours were rich in gluten producing amino acid content. Also such flours had a higher Intermolecular-β-sheets and β-turn, and had less α-helix content. Such flours had more capacity for retention the main and supplemental solvents of SRC and showed high correlation with molecular parameters of flour. Therefore, the SRC test singly in determine and identifies cultivars with superior bread quality and thus to obtain the product with the best quality can be used, and is also justifiable at the molecular level.

Graphical Abstract

Evaluation of relationship between solvent retention capacity tests, secondary structures of proteins and amino acid content of triticale flour (ІІІ)


  • Investigation of the protein secondary structures content of 12 triticale flours and comparison with close relatives using the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR).       
  • Investigation of the protein amino acids content of 12 triticale flours and comparison with close relatives using the amino acid analyzer.   
  • Determination of correlation coefficients between solvent retention capacity profiles and molecular tests of triticale flours. 
  • Determination of correlation coefficients between physical, chemical, rheological characteristics and molecular characteristics of triticale grains and flours.   


Main Subjects

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