Guide for Authors

General considerations

  • The submitted manuscript must be original and innovative and based on original researches in applied and engineering fields and especially, looking at innovative fields in the food industry.
  • It is requested to send the manuscript only through the website of the journal at the address Manuscripts can be submitted as a research paper, review paper or short communication.
  • For the review papers, at least three relative papers must have been published by the corresponding author in the past.
  • Submitted manuscripts must be the result of the author(s) research and not submitted to another journal at the same time.


Journal scope

  • Food engineering,
  • Innovative producing and packaging processes,
  • New extraction and purification methods,
  • Application of nanotechnology in the food industry,
  • Application of biotechnology in food processes,
  • Low/ high temperature processes,
  • High pressure processes,
  • Emerging technologies (such as encapsulation, ultrasound assisted methods, membrane separations, irradiation, etc.)
  • Modeling and simulation of food processes
  • Other related fields 


Needed files:

To submit a manuscript, the following files must be prepared and uploaded at the same time.

1. The main file of the manuscript,

2. Graphical abstract,

3. Research highlights,

4. Author Commitment form,

5. Conflict of Interest form.


1. Main File

The manuscript must be prepared with MSWord software as a single column and Times New Roman, font 12. All titles should be in bold. In the text of the manuscript, sections of introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion and conclusions should start with numbers 1 to 4, respectively. The subsections should start with additional numbers (such as 1.2.). All units must be according to the SI system. All figures and tables should be presented at the end of the manuscript, however, their positions in the text should be indicated. 


2. Graphical Abstract

This file, in an overview, tells the topic and content of the manuscript. It must be uploaded separately in JPEG image file format with a size of at least 500 KB. It is necessary that the possible and very brief content included in the visual abstract, if any, be in English and in large Times New Roman font. Please note that the use of images available on the Internet and other virtual spaces for the preparation of visual abstracts is prohibited, and it is necessary for respected authors to use original images prepared from their research activities for this purpose. 


3. Research Highlights

This file must be prepared separately on a page in MSWord format and uploaded to the system. The content of this file should include 3 to 5 independent sentences indicating the most important achievements of the research (each sentence maximum 25 words) in Persian and English and should be uploaded in the system. English sentences should be given after Persian sentences.


4. Author Commitment Form

It is necessary for the responsible author to receive the Author Commitment Form from the Journal Forms menu, and after completing and signing, upload the scanned copy.


5. Conflict of Interest Form

It is necessary for the responsible author to receive the Conflict of Interest Form from the Journal Forms menu and upload the scanned version after completing and signing it.

You may download the Guide for Authors file in Pdf.


General structure of the manuscript:


It should be as short as possible (maximum 15 words) and tell the subject of the manuscript. This section appears in the middle of the fold on the first page (font 18, bold). 


Author names and affiliations

The given name(s) and family names(s) of the author(s) should be mentioned in full and centered (font 10, bold).  Present the authors' affiliation addresses (where the actual work was done) below the names. Provide the full postal address of each affiliation, including the country name.  The e-mail should be mentioned only for the author responsible for the correspondence and marked with a superscript * (font 10). The different addresses of the authors should be indicated by superscript numbers on the names. It should be noted that the responsible author's email address should preferably be an organizational or academic email address and avoid mentioning Yahoo or Gmail email addresses. 



The abstract should be up to 300 words in length and include the most important findings and general conclusions (font 12). 



Immediately after the abstract, provide a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 keywords, in order of their importance (font 12, bold). 


1. Introduction

In the introduction, a summary of the general context and the importance of the research topic and its application, the results of previous research, mentioning the sources and the purpose of the current research should be given. 


2. Materials and methods

In this section, it is necessary to mention the consumables, equipment and devices, the method of conducting experiments and the basis of statistical analysis. 


3. Results and discussion

It includes the results obtained from the research, the explanation of their causes and discussion and comparison with the scientific findings in the other works. Results should be presented in only one format (figure or table). 


4. Conclusions

In this section, the main and important findings obtained from the research should be presented in a concise and clear manner. 


Conflict of interest

Authors should clearly state any potential conflict of interest, such as receiving payment for the manuscript, or acquiring stock or equity in an organization, that may be gained or lost through the publication of the manuscript. If there is no conflict of interest, the following sentence should be added to the end of the manuscript, before the "Acknowledgments" section: "No conflict of interest has been declared by the authors." 



It is necessary for the author(s) to appreciate and list here those individuals who provided help during the research, incl. financial support or equipment, or scientific consultations. If there is financial support, the number and date of the relevant contract should be given.



The references have to be presented as APA format (6th ed.; Numeric Sorting Style). References in the text should be numbered in order of presentation.  All references used, in the order of their reference in the text, are given in this section. Reference numbers in the text are in bracket [ ]. It is necessary to translate all Persian references into English with the phrase [In Persian] at the end of them.  In this case, the referencing method should be similar to the English model.  Furthermore, it is required that DOI or DOR (or both) be presented at the end of the referenced papers.

Submission of references should be based on the following styles: 

Persian and English books 


[1] Smith, J., White, B., & Thomson, M. (2018). Novel Food Processing Technologies (4th ed.). New York: Longman. 

Book chapter 


[2] Mettam, G. R., & Adams, L. B. (2019). How to prepare an electronic version of your manuscript. In: B. Jones & A. Smith (Eds.). Introduction to the Electronic Age (2nd ed., pp. 50-65). London: E-Publishing Inc. 

For Persian references, translate into English with the phrase [In Persian] at the end of the reference. 

Published papers 


[3] Richardson, J., Hanraads, R., & Lupton, R.A. (2018). The art of writing a scientific manuscript. Food Chem., 163, 51–59. ...

Note: Use the List of Title Word Abbreviations (LTWA) to abbreviate the names of journals.  

See the following website for assistance: 



[4] Smith, F. & Rotgers, H. (2017). The art of writing a scientific manuscript. In: Proceedings of the 4th Int. Cong. of Food. Tech. (pp. 123–128), Praha, Czech Republic. 

Research projects/scientific reports


[5] Holmes, F.G. (2013). Production of a new food packaging material. Hamilton, New Zealand: University of Waikato, Department of Food Engineering. 



[6] Johnson, K.P. Process for Fabricating Parts from Particulate Material. U.S. Patent 4,765,950, August 23, 2011. 

Internet resources


[7] CTAHR (College of Agricultural Resources, University of Rice). Tea: a New Crop for Hawaii, 2007. URL Accessed 24.02.12. 

Note: Other references must be presented according to the APA format. 


It is necessary for the authors to pay attention to the following points in the preparation of the manuscript: 



The title of each figure should be written in Times New Roman (font 8, bold) in the appropriate place in the text of the manuscript. The figures should be presented in the order of their numbers, each on a separate sheet, at the end of the manuscript. The figures must have at least 200 dpi or at least 800 x 600 pixels. Due to the fact that today the readers of the journals mostly use the electronic version of the manuscripts (pdf file), it is recommended to use different colors in the preparation of the figures and of course recognizable in the printed paper version. It is necessary to explain that if the authors wish to print the manuscript in color in the printed version of the journal, the related costs will be borne by them. 



The location of each table in the main text of the manuscript should be specified by bringing only the title (Times New Roman, font 8). These titles should be written in italics with their number in parentheses (bold).  


Important notice

It is necessary for the corresponding author of the manuscript to cooperate with the journal editorial office in sending the required documents. In case of not sending the requested documents and corrections on time, the journal will have the right to remove the manuscript from the publishing process.