Analysis of the the impact response of pomegranate fruit to determine its maturity stage

Document Type : Research Article


1 Mechanics of Biosystems Engineering Department, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Rural Development, Ramin University of Agriculture and Natural Resources of Khuzestan.

2 Assistant Professor of Biosystems Engineering Department, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Rural Development, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan.

3 Associate Professor of Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan.


One of the non-destructive tests developed for determining fruit maturity stage is the analysis of imapact fruit response of fruit . Therefore, in this study, in order to evaluate the quality and maturity stages of pomegranate fruit, a system for recording acoustic responses was developted. For this purpose, the acoustic response of 150 pomegranates in three maturity stages (immature, ripe, and over-ripe) was recorded. To evaluate the destructive properties, the total soluble solids, acidity, ascoric acid , anthocyanin, total phenol and pH were measured; Also, in order to record and extract the acoustic features (non-destructive test), positions of microphone (behind, next to and under the fruit), as well as the hitting angle (5, 10 and 15 degrees) were evaluated as variables. In order to classify the data, a decision tree classifier combined with the genetic algorithm was utilized. Based on the statistical analysis, it was determined that the best orientation of the microphone and the hitting angle were the placement of the microphone next to hitting ball and 15 degrees, respectivily. Based on the results of the classification, the highest, lowest and overall classification accuricy were 96.7% (in the ripe group), 73% (in the over-ripe group) and 89.2%, respectively.

Graphical Abstract

Analysis of the the impact response of pomegranate fruit to determine its maturity stage


  • Signal processing and sound analysis were used to evaluate the quality and maturity of pomegranate fruit.
  • The position of the microphone relative to the location of impact and the degree of impact of the impactor were evaluated as variables.
  • In order to classify the data, a decision tree classifier combined with the genetic algorithm was utilized.
  • The best place for the microphone to be next to the fruit and the angle of impact is 15 degrees.
  • Highest and lowest classification accuracy were 96.7% and 73%, respectively, and overall accuracy was 89.2%.


Main Subjects

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