Modeling and determination of optimized conditions of microwave pistachio (Ahmadaghaee cv.) thermal process using the response surface Methodology

Document Type : Research Article


1 Ph.D. Student, Department of Biosystems Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.

2 Associate Professor,Department of Biosystems Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


The lack of uniform distribution of temperature in the product is one of the main problems of thermal processes. The modeling of microwave pistachio (Ahmadaghaee cv.) thermal process was studied using response surface method (RSM). The optimum conditions were determined in order to achieve the highest uniformity of temperature distribution in the product. Independent quantitative variables included the heating time (20-50 s) and the microwave power (630-900 w). In addition, an Independent qualitative variable included the position of the thermometer in six positions in the container. The dependent variable (response) is the temperature of the product under microwave heating. These experiments were performed separately for two cubic and cylindrical containers. The results of analysis of variance showed that all the main effects and the interaction are significant (P< 0.01). According to the results, the uniformity of temperature distribution in the product was more cubic than the cylindrical container. The uniformity of temperature distribution in the minimum power (630 w) was greater than the maximum power (900 w). The optimum conditions were determined in order to maximize the uniformity of temperature distribution for cylindrical containers with a heating time of 44 to 45 seconds and power of 720 to 750 watts. These conditions for the cube containers were obtained with a heating time of 44 to 47 seconds and power of 630 to 670 watts. The accuracy of the model was evaluated by calculating the root mean square error (RMSE). The low value of RMES in all six positions of the product indicates the proximity of the experimental and predicted values and confirms the model's accuracy.

Graphical Abstract

Modeling and determination of optimized conditions of microwave pistachio (Ahmadaghaee cv.) thermal process using the response surface Methodology


  • Analysis of the variance showed that all main effects as well as interactions were significant in both types of cubic and cylindrical containers.
  • The uniformity of the temperature distribution in the cubic container was greater than that of the cylindrical container.
  • The temperature distribution at 630W was more uniform than at 900W.
  • The optimum conditions for greater uniformity of the cylindrical container were determined at 44 to 45 s and at 720 to 750 w.
  • Also, the optimum conditions for the cube container were calculated from 45 to 47 s with 630 to 670W.


Main Subjects

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