Investigation on the effect of Methanolic Bene (pistachia atlantica) hull extract on oxidative stability of soybean oil

Document Type : Research Article


1 MSc student, Food Science and Technology, Ramin Agriculture and Natural Resurces University, Mollasani, Iran

2 Assistant profeesor, Food Science and Technology Department, Ramin Agriculture and Natural Resources Univrsity of Khuzestan, Mollasani, Iran

3 Assistant profeesor, Food Science and Technology Department, Ramin Agriculture and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan, Mollasani, Iran

4 Associate professor, Food Science and Technology department, Ramin agriculture and natural resources university of khuzestan, Mollasani, Iran


Nowadays due to high efficiency of natural antioxidants in scavenging free radicals and adverse effect of synthetic antioxidnats, their application in food industry has increased. In this study antioxidant properties (DPPH and ABTS method), FRAP and total phenolic compounds of metanolic extract of Bene (pistachia atalntica) hull were evaluated and Four levels of extracts (100,250, 500 and 1000 ppm) were added to soybean crude oil to monitor its antioxidant properties comparing to BHT. Samples were incubated for 12 days at 60ᴼC and their proxide value and TBA were measured in 2,4,6,8,10,and 12 day intervals. IC50 values for DPPH and ABTS assays were 150 and 500 ppm. At day 12, TBA values in crude oil containing 1000 ppm extract and 200 ppm BHT were 78.27 and 491.90 mg malondialdehyde and proxide value were 19 and 121 mg proxide/kg oil respectively. Results show that antioxidant activity of extract is concentration dependent and during incubation period samples containing Bene hull extract showed higher antioxidant capacity than BHT.


Main Subjects

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