Effect of Ozone and citric acid pretreatments on the modified atmosphere packaging of cucumber

Document Type : Research Article


1 M.Sc. student of Postharvest Technology, Associate and Assistant professors, respectively. Biosystems Engineering, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural resources University, Sari, Iran

2 Associate professor, Postharvest Technology, Biosystems Engineering, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural resources University, Sari, Iran

3 Assistant professor, Postharvest Technology, Biosystems Engineering, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural resources University, Sari, Iran

4 Associate professor, Food science and Technology Department, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural resources University, Sari, Iran


In this research, the effect of Ozone and Citric Acid pretreatments was examined for cucumber disinfection in packaging with modified atmosphere, with 2 gas composition including MAP1 (75% N2 + 15% CO2 + 10 % O2) and MAP2 (75% N2 + 10% CO2 + 15 % O2) and 2.5 and 5 g of Silica gel as moisture absorber. The samples were maintained in polyethylene package with 6µ thickness, inside a fridge with 40C temperature. The effect of mentioned treatments examined the qualitative properties of the cucumbers such as pH, weight loss percentage, tissue firmness, TSS, Chlorophyll, acidity (TA) in 20 days after packaging and also the amount of the final durability of the product before complete corruption. Results showed that the maintaining of the cucumbers will preserve the quality of product and increase the durability. The changes in acidity (TA) and TSS showed that the combination effect of ozone pretreatment, MAP1 gas composition and using 5g Silica gel has the best effect of the mentioned parameters. Also, the changes in pH, tissue firmness and Chlorophyll showed that the combined use of gas composition with higher CO2 (MAP1) along with ozone pretreatment and 5g of moisture absorber has the best effect on the cucumber samples. The comparison of the total durability confirmed that the combination of Citric Acid pretreatment, 2.5g moisture absorber and MAP2 gas composition with 33 days maintenance has the least durability and the combination of ozone pretreatment, 5g moisture absorber and MAP1 gas composition with 65 days maintenance has the most durability.


Main Subjects

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