Optimization of osmotic dehydration and modeling of mass transfer kinetic during drying with hot air of Ostrich meat (Struthio Camelus)

Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD student, Department of Food Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Professor, Department of Food Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Ostrich meat has much more benefits than other meat, it defined as 21th century meat.  Osmotic dehydration is processing multi-component of mass transfer, in which synchronized water loss from foods, osmotic agent penetrate the texture that is low in comparison to water loss. Whereas high watery level activity during storage time causes chemical and microbiological changes, that have negative effect on food and lead to disadvantage decayed of foods. So using of osmotic dehydration and decrease in texture water and facility in mass transfer during drying is useful. Dehydration of the ostrich with the osmotic solutions containing (10, 20, 30 %) salt, the ratio of meat to osmotic solution (1:4, 1:6, 1:8) and immersion time (30, 45, 60 min) on the water loss, solid gain and shrinkage were calculated by response surface methodology and the optimum sample was obtained, dehydrated sample in optimum conditions then dried with hot air (65, 75 0C). were obtained the moisture content during drying kinetics and comparison of 10 mathematical models and select the best model to describe the kinetics of mass transfer. At the optimum point the concentration of  salt 30%, the ratio of meat to osmotic solution 1:6 and immersion time 60 min water loss, solid gain and shrinkage were found to 50/5 (g/100 g initial sample), 5/45 (g/100 g initial sample) and 6/99 respectively. The most convenient model to describe the kinetics of mass transfer during drying meat, Two-term model were determined.


Main Subjects

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