Evaluation of machine olfaction system (electronic nose) based on metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) sensors in detecting aroma fingerprint changes of banana storage

Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD student, Tehran university

2 Professor, Tehran University

3 Assistant Professor, Shahre kord University


The electronic nose (machine olfaction) would simulate the human sense of smell to identify and realize the complex aromas by using an array of chemical sensors. One of the most common sensors used in the system electronic nose are metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) sensors. These sensors have high chemical stability, high sensitivity and low cost and are able to convert an electrical signal into a chemical quantities. In this work, potential application of a metal oxide semiconductor based electronic nose as a non-destructive instrument for monitoring the change in volatile production of banana during storage period (between packaging and consumption) is studied.The main components are used in an electronic nose system include: sampling system, an array of gas sensors, data acquisition system and an appropriate pattern recognition algorithm. Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and Loading Analysis techniques were used for this purpose. Based on the results the classification stages of storage accuracy of 91/7% was obtained and sensor MQ-136 has less influence in distinguish among different storage stages. Results showed high ability of electronic nose for distinguishing between the stages of storage. It is concluded that the system can be considered as an nondestructive tool for quality control during banana shelf-life.


Main Subjects

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