Effect of Hazelnut Testa on Quality and Organoleptic Properties of Baguette Bread

Document Type : Research Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Food Science, Varamin-Pishva Branch, Islamic Azad University, Varamin, Iran

2 Ms.C. Graduate, Department of Food Science, Shahre-Qods Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahre-Qods, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Food Science, Shahre-Qods Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahre- Qods, Iran


In the recent years, using the various combinations and application of additives to enhance quality and nutritional properties of bread have been considered. In this study the effect of adding hazelnut crust powder at the levels of 3, 5 and 7% on baguette dough quality was studied in terms of rheological, chemical, volumetric, color, organoleptic and staling characteristics. The Farinograph test results of dough sample showed that there is a positive relationship between the addition of hazelnut crust powder and farinograph properties, so that the rate of water absorption, dough development time, dough strength and volumetric number in the samples containing hazelnut crust powder was increased compared with the control. Also, the results obtained from the extensographic test of dough samples showed that except dough extensibility, other characteristics in the samples containing hazelnut crust powder increased compared to the control sample. Evaluation of color indicated that the treatment B3 had the lowest amount of the factor L* while control sample had the highest amount. In addition, the highest and the lowest amounts of the parameters a* and b* were reported in the treatment B3 and control, respectively. Also, the results of the chemical test in terms of the factors of moisture, ash, fiber, fat and protein showed that the treatment B3 and control had the highest and the lowest amounts of the properties, respectively. The mentioned results were reverse in terms of the volumetric test. In addition, the results of organoleptic and staling tests showed that the addition of hazelnut crust powder to baguette bread formulations play a role in improving most sensory characteristics (aroma, smell, taste, etc.) and delayed staling of compared with the control bread (without hazelnut crust powder) while in terms of these properties, the sample containing 7% hazelnut crust powder (treatment B3) was introduced as the best treatment. 


Main Subjects

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