Comparing disinfecting effects of ozone versus chlorine treatment on nutritional, microbial and sensory properties of lettuce

Document Type : Research Article


1 MSc graduated, Department of Food Science, Aras International Campus, University of Tabriz, Tabriz

2 Associate Professor, Department of Food Science, College of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Tabriz

3 PhD Student, Department of Food Science, College of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Tabriz


Nowadays, due to the removal of chlorinated derivatives in food disinfection offering an alternative method for the production of organic foods, high quality of vegetables and fruit is increasing. In this study disinfecting effect of ozonated water and chlorine treatments on nutritional (vitamin C and β-carotene), microbial (aerobic mesophilic bacteria, psychrotrophic, enterobacteriaceae, molds and yeasts count) and sensory properties of fresh cut lettuce was investigated. Vitamin C using spectrophotometer apparatus, β-carotene using HPLC apparatus and colour analyses using hunter lab simulator apparatus were evaluated. The results showed that although both ozonation and chlorination led to a noticeable reduction in the amount vitamin C and β-carotene in lettuce, however, the amount of these nutritional substances were higher in treated samples compared to those of control after 8 days of storage. Ozone treatment led to reduced lightness and greenness and increased yellowness in samples. Both chorine and ozone treatments significantly (P


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